Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Our new addition to our family…

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Some friends of ours are moving to Arizona and needed a home for their schipperke.  She is almost 6 months old and a pure breed.  Today we introduced the dogs.  She is very active and cute.  She reminds us of our little girl we had when Alexis was little.  We are naming her Misha.  This shall be an interesting adventure.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Carson playing Flag Football—go 49ers

So far we have done soccer, now it is flag football.  He sure loves sports and living here has given us the chance to explore so many avenues for our kids.  We go to high school football games,  lots of concerts and performance by the kids, and many more to come.DSCF1595 DSCF1580 DSCF1576

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This last weekend while Utah was having the major fire in Herriman, we had our own fire by the Windmill Farms..it closed the freeway and the interstate down for a few hours which is major because we are the main hub area for the semis.

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Flaming Gorge with friends

So to say goodbye to the summer and welcome the fall season, we headed to Flaming Gorge with Jenny and her family.  We loaded all the kids up and headed down.  The trailers and campers were all leaving which left us a little concerned just because it was a balmy 58*.  When we got to the lake it was about 65*, the water was warmer then the air.  It was an awesome and amazing day.  I still have a roll of film in the camera I forgot to develop but these are from my camera.

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All the kids got in the water and all went tubing.  Bryan wasn’t a big fan of it, but he tried it.  It was so much fun.  They jumped off of cliffs and stretched their barriers…….I even let my babies on the tubes, they had a great time.

Small Town Life..

It seems that time does not go slow in a small town..it goes by very fast. We have been very busy. I have been working a lot at walmart, busy trying to get my quilting bussiness going by working on my website creatingmemoriesbyu.com Carson has started flag football, it seems like the whole town does sports. In august we took a small family vacation to Idaho. It was fun we visited the Minnetonka caves by Bear lake

We stayed at a cabin in Montpelier, it was lots of fun....

We went to Soda Springs..The kids decided they didn't like the natural carbonated water. They did think the gyser in the middle of town was pretty cool

So much fun we had...