Saturday, December 3, 2011

“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas”

Since moving to New Mexico the kids have been really sad that the snow fall is a fraction of what they are use to.  This is what the snowstorm last may brought to us in Wyoming.


Wyoming Snow in MayDSCF1924DSCF1925 That was May in Wyoming


Here we are Dec. 3 and this is our wonderful snow storm we had last night/this morning



Now the Holiday season can start.  I didn’t think I would miss the snow so much.  My favorite part of a snow storm is when it is late at night, the clouds are so thick that you feel blanketed between them, the air is quiet, the atmosphere is silent as the snow falls quietly to the floor and you feel like there is no one else in the world.  I so miss that feeling.  We are slowly getting use to this warmer weather, but it is hard when snow is mostly all you have known.  SO, now I feel like Christmas can come.

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